►NDungeonArchitect | |
►NBuilders | |
►NBSP | |
CBSPDungeonConstants | |
CBSPNodeObject | |
CBSPDungeonBuilder | |
CNodeConnection | |
CBSPRoomCategory | |
CBSPDungeonConfig | |
CBSPNode | |
CBSPNodeConnection | |
CBSPDungeonGraphQuery | |
CBSPDungeonModel | |
►NCircularCity | |
CCircularCityDungeonConstants | |
CCircularCityDungeonBuilder | |
CCircularCityDungeonConfig | |
CCircularCityCell | |
CCircularCityDungeonModel | |
CCircularCityLandscapeTexture | Data-structure to hold the texture settings. This contains enough information to paint the texture on to the terrain |
CCircularCityFoliageEntry | |
CCircularCityFoliageTheme | |
CLandscapeTransformerCity | The terrain modifier that works with the grid based dungeon builder (DungeonBuilderGrid) It modifies the terrain by adjusting the height around the layout of the dungeon and painting it based on the specified texture settings |
►NFloorPlan | |
►NTooling | |
CFloorPlanCorridorTool | |
CFloorPlanMarkers | |
►CFloorPlanBuilder | |
CFloorIslandNode | |
CFloorPlanConfig | |
CFloorPlanModel | |
CFloorChunk | |
CFloorChunkDB | |
CFloorDoorManager | |
CFloorPlanSpatialConstraintProcessor | |
►NGrid | |
►NMirroring | |
CGridDungeonMirrorAxisX | |
CGridDungeonMirrorAxisZ | |
CGridDungeonMirror | |
►NSpatialConstraints | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorGrid2D | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorGrid3D | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorGridFlow2D | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorGridFlow3D | |
CMarioDungeonSpatialConstraints | |
CConstraintRuleHeightDifference | |
CConstraintRuleMarkerExists | |
CGridCellInfo | Contains meta data about the cells. This structure is used for caching cell information for faster lookup during and after generation of the dungeon |
CGridBuilderDoorMetadata | |
CCellHeightNode | Temporary data-structure to hold the height data of the cell node A graph is build of the dungeon layout while the heights are assigned and this node contains the cell's height information |
CStairAdjacencyQueueNode | Temporary data-structure used while assigning stairs on the dungeon |
CCellHeightFrameInfo | Temporary data-structure used while assigning heights on the dungeon |
CStairEdgeInfo | Data structure to hold the adjacent cells connected to the stairs (entry / exit) |
CGridDungeonBuilder | A Dungeon Builder implementation that builds a grid based dungeon.
CGridDungeonConfig | The dungeon configuration for the Grid builder |
CStairInfo | Data-structure to hold the stair information in the grid based builder |
CCell | Data-structure to hold the Cell information. A cell is a piece of the dungeon layout and can be either a room or a corridor |
CCellDoor | Data-structure to hold the door information |
CIntVector2Key | Data-structure for IntVector pair. Used for caching |
CDoorManager | Manages the doors in the grid based builder |
CGridDungeonModel | Data model for the grid based dungeon builder |
CGridDungeonModelUtils | |
CLandscapeTransformerGrid | The terrain modifier that works with the grid based dungeon builder (DungeonBuilderGrid) It modifies the terrain by adjusting the height around the layout of the dungeon and painting it based on the specified texture settings |
CGridDungeonItemGroup | |
CMarkerEmitterCornerBeautifier | Emits markers to beautify the level around corners based on the surrounding tiles |
CMarkerEmitterEmptySpace | Emits markers in the nearby empty space of the dungeon layout |
CMarkerEmitterFindLowestPoint | Finds the lowest dungeon point and emits a marker at that position. Also sets the scale of the marker to match the width / height |
CMarkerEmitterFreeSpaceDecorator | A more specialized version of the EmptySpace emitter. Emits decorative markers in empty space near the layout |
CMarkerEmitterGridWall2D | |
CGridItemDoorMetadata | |
CGridItemMetadataHandler | |
CDungeonPaintModeGrid | Editor tooling for the grid based dungeon builder. Lets you paint with a grid based brush |
CGridDungeonQuery | |
CGridBuilderUtils | |
CGridDebugDrawUtils | Helper functions to draw debug information of the dungeon layout in the scene view |
CPlatformVolume | Platform volumes add a platform in the scene encompassing the volume |
►NGridFlow | |
CGridFlowDungeonBuilder | |
CGridFlowDungeonConstants | |
CGridFlowDungeonConfig | |
CGridFlowDungeonModel | |
CGridFlowMinimapIcons | |
CGridFlowMinimap | |
CGridFlowMinimapTrackedObject | |
►NInfinity | |
►NCaves | |
CInfinityCaveChunkConstants | |
CInfinityCaveChunkBuilder | |
CInfinityCaveChunkConfig | |
CInfinityCaveChunkModel | |
►NIsaac | |
CIsaacDungeonBuilder | |
CIsaacRoomFactory | |
CIsaacDungeonConfig | |
CIsaacRoom | |
CIsaacDoor | |
CIsaacRoomLayout | |
CIsaacRoomTile | |
CIsaacDungeonModel | |
CIsaacRoomLayoutBuilder | |
CStylizedIsaacRoomLayoutBuilder | |
CIsaacBuilderUtils | |
►NMario | |
CMarioDungeonConstants | |
CMarioDungeonBuilder | |
CMarioDungeonLevelChunkRule | |
CMarioDungeonConfig | |
CMarioTile | |
CMarioDungeonModel | |
►NMaze | |
CMazeDungeonConstants | |
CMazeDungeonBuilder | |
CMazeDungeonConfig | |
CMazeDungeonModel | |
►NSimpleCity | |
►NSpatialConstraints | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorSimpleCity3D | |
CSimpleCityLandscapeTexture | Data-structure to hold the texture settings. This contains enough information to paint the texture on to the terrain |
CSimpleCityFoliageEntry | |
CSimpleCityFoliageTheme | |
CLandscapeTransformerCity | The terrain modifier that works with the grid based dungeon builder (DungeonBuilderGrid) It modifies the terrain by adjusting the height around the layout of the dungeon and painting it based on the specified texture settings |
CSimpleCityDungeonConstants | |
CSimpleCityDungeonBuilder | |
CCityBlockDimension | |
CSimpleCityDungeonConfig | |
CSimpleCityCell | |
CSimpleCityDungeonModel | |
CRoadBeautifier | |
CStrongholdWallEmitter | Adds a wall around the edge of the city . This makes it look like a stronghold defending the city |
►NSnap | |
►NImpl | |
CModuleInfo | |
CSnapAttachmentConfiguration | |
CModuleGrowthNode | |
CModuleBuildNode | |
CSnapLayoutBuildState | |
►NSideScroller | |
CSnapSideScrollerBuilder | |
CCellMarkerState | |
CModuleMarkerRegsitry | |
CSnapModuleEditorData | |
CSnapModule | |
CSnapGizmoRenderCommand | |
CSnapGizmoRenderCommandTile | |
CSnapPaintTool | |
CSnapBuilder | |
CSnapModuleEntry | |
CSnapConfig | |
CSnapModuleInstance | |
CSnapModuleConnection | |
CSnapModel | |
CSnapQueryModuleInfo | |
CSnapQueryConnectionInfo | |
CSnapQuery | |
►NSnapGridFlow | |
►NDebugVisuals | |
CSnapGridFlowDebugComponent | |
CSnapGridFlowDebugVisualizer | |
CSnapGridFlowBuilder | |
CSnapGridFlowConfig | |
CSnapGridFlowModel | |
CSnapGridFlowVisibilityGraph | |
CDungeonBuilderDefaultMarkers | |
►NEditors | |
►NFlow | |
►NCommon | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_ResultInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateKeyLockInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateMainPathInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_CreatePathInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_FinalizeGraphInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_SpawnItemsInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateTilemapElevationsInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_FinalizeTilemapInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandler_MergeTilemapsInspector | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_CreateTilemapOverlay | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_InitializeTilemap | |
CBaseFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_OptimizeTilemap | |
CFlowPreviewTilemapGraphNodeInspector | |
►NDomainEditors | |
►NLayout2D | |
CLayout2DGraphDomainEditor | |
►NLayout3D | |
CILayout3DGraphDomainSettings | |
CLayout3DGraphDomainEditor | |
►NTilemap | |
CTilemapFlowDomainEditor | |
CFlowDomainEditor | |
►NGridFlow | |
CGridFlowExecNodePlacementSettingInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_ResultInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateGridInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateKeyLockInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateMainPathInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreatePathInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_FinalizeGraphInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_SpawnItemsInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateTilemapElevationsInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_FinalizeTilemapInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandler_MergeTilemapsInspector | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_CreateTilemapOverlay | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_InitializeTilemap | |
CGridFlowExecNodeHandlerInspector_OptimizeTilemap | |
►NImpl | |
CGridFlowEditorWindow | |
CGridFlowEditorConfig | |
CGridFlowExecGraphEditorConfigInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowEditorConfig | |
CSnapGridFlowEditorWindow | |
►CSnapGridFlowModuleDBCompiler | |
CCompileResultEntry | |
►NLayout | |
CFlowPreviewLayoutGraphEditor | |
CDungeonGridFlowAbstractGraphContextMenu | |
CFlowPreviewLayoutItemRenderer | |
CFlowPreviewLayoutLinkRenderer | |
CFlowPreviewLayoutNodeRenderer | |
CFlowPreviewLayoutNodeRendererBase | |
►NSnapGridFlow | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateGridInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateKeyLockInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreateMainPathInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_CreatePathInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_FinalizeGraphInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowExecNodeHandler_SpawnItemsInspector | |
CSnapGridFlowModuleDatabaseEditor | |
►NTilemap | |
CFlowPreviewTilemapGraphEditor | |
CFlowPreviewTilemapNodeRenderer | |
CFlowEditorConfig | |
CIFlowEditorWindow | |
CFlowEditorWindow | |
CFlowEditorUtils | |
CKeyLockLinkVisualizerBase | |
CGridFlowDoorKeyComponentEditor | |
CGridFlowDoorLockComponentEditor | |
CFlowExecGraphEditor | |
CFlowExecGraphSchema | |
CFlowExecGraphContextMenuUserData | |
CFlowExecGraphContextMenu | |
►CFlowExecNodeRendererBase | |
CExecRuleNodeLayoutInfo | |
CFlowExecResultNodeRenderer | |
CFlowExecRuleNodeRenderer | |
CFlowExecGraphEditorConfigInspector | |
CFlowExecNodeHandlerInspectorBase | |
CFlowInspectorMonoScriptProperty | |
►NGraphs | |
CEditorGraphBuilder | |
►NSnapFlow | |
CSnapEditorUtils | |
CSnapEditorWindow | |
CDungeonFlowEditorHighlighter | |
CEditorCommand_GridFlowEditorExecResultGraph | |
CISnapEdValidatorAction | |
CSnapEdValidatorActionBase | |
CEmptyNodeListSnapEdValidatorAction | |
CEmptyRuleListSnapEdValidatorAction | |
CInvalidExecutionGraphSnapEdValidatorAction | |
CInvalidProductionRuleAction | |
CMissingProductionRuleRHSAction | |
CInvalidNodeTypeAction | |
CInvalidProductionGraphAction | |
CInvalidProductionGraphNodeAction | |
CInvalidExecutionGraphNodeAction | |
CSnapEdValidator | |
CGrammarExecEntryNodeRenderer | |
CGrammarExecRuleNodeRenderer | |
CGrammarNodeRendererBase | |
CGrammarTaskNodeRenderer | |
CSnapEdExecutionGraphContextMenu | |
CSnapEdExecutionGraphEditorMenuData | |
CSnapEdExecutionGraphSchema | |
CSnapEdExecutionGraphEditor | |
CSnapEdGrammarGraphContextMenu | |
CSnapEdGrammarGraphEditorContextMenuData | |
CSnapEdGrammarGraphSchema | |
CSnapEdGrammarGraphEditor | |
CSnapEdResultGraphContextMenu | |
►CSnapEdResultGraphEditor | |
CRuntimeGraphLayoutNodeActions | |
CSnapEdResultGraphEditorConfig | |
CDungeonFlowErrorEntry | |
CDungeonFlowErrorList | |
CErrorListViewSource | |
CErrorListViewItem | |
CErrorListPanel | |
CNodeListViewConstants | |
CNodeListViewItem | |
CNodeListViewSource | |
CNodeListPanel | |
CRuleListViewConstants | |
CRuleListViewItem | |
CRuleListViewSource | |
CRuleListPanel | |
CProductionRuleRHSTitleWidget | |
CProductionRuleLHSTitleWidget | |
CProductionRuleWidgetRHSState | |
CProductionRuleWidget | |
CGrammarExecRuleNodeEditor | |
CGrammarGraphInspector | |
CGrammarNodeTypeEditor | |
CGrammarProductionRuleEditor | |
CGrammarTaskNodeEditor | |
CSnapFlowResultGraphEditorConfigInspector | |
CWeightedGrammarGraphEditor | |
►NSpatialConstraints | |
CSCDomainNodeRenderer | Renders a marker node |
CSCReferenceNodeEditor | |
CSCRuleNodeEditor | |
CConstraintRuleEditor | |
CSpatialConstraintsEditorContextMenu | |
CSpatialConstraintsEditorWindow | |
CSpatialConstraintsGraphEditor | |
►NThemeEditorTools | |
CCommonThemeEditorTools | |
CBuilderThemeEditorTools | |
CThemeEditorToolPrefabReplacement | |
CIBulkPrefabReplaceRuleProcessor | |
CBulkReplacementEntry | |
CDirectoryBulkPrefabReplaceRuleProcessor | |
CBulkPrefabReplaceRuleFactory | |
CBulkPrefabReplacementWindow | |
CFloorPlanCorridorToolEditor | |
CDungeonPaintModeGridEditor | Custom property editor for the Paint model game object |
CGridDungeonConfigEditor | Custom property editor for the grid based dungeon configuration |
CSnapConnectionEditor | |
CSnapModuleEditor | |
CSnapPaintToolEditor | |
CDungeonArchitectMenu | |
CDungeonBuilderEditor | |
CDungeonInfinityEditor | |
CDungeonInfinityEditorUpdater | |
CDungeonPaintModeEditor | Custom property editor for the paint mode object |
CDungeonPropertyEditorHook | |
CDungeonPropertyEditor | Custom property editor for the dungeon game object |
CEditorDungeonSceneObjectInstantiator | |
CLandscapeTextureEditor | Custom property editor for the Landscape texture data-structure |
CPlaceableMarkerEditor | |
CMarkerReplaceVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for Negation volumes |
CMirrorVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for Platform volumes |
CNegationVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for Negation volumes |
CPlatformVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for Platform volumes |
CThemeOverrideVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for Theme override volumes |
CVolumeEditor | Custom property editor for volumes game objects |
CDungeonThemeEditorContextMenu | |
CDungeonThemeEditorWindow | The main editor window for the Theme graph editor. This hosts the graph editor for managing the theme graph |
CDungeonThemeGraphEditor | |
CDungeonObjectTraker | Tracks active dungeon objects in the scene and finds ones that have the active graph being edited This is used for real-time updates on the dungeon object as the graph is modified from the editor |
CNodeDeletionOrderComparer | Sorts based on the node's Z-index in descending order |
CGraphPinHierarchyComparer | Sorts the pins based on their owning node's type |
CMarkerEmitterNodeEditor | Custom property editors for MarkerEmitterNode |
CMarkerEmitterNodeRenderer | Renders a MarkerEmitterNode |
CMarkerNodeEditor | Custom property editors for MarkerNode |
CMarkerNodeRenderer | Renders a marker node |
CMeshArrayNodeEditor | Custom property editors for GameObjectNode |
CMeshArrayNodeRenderer | Renders a mesh node |
CMeshNodeEditor | Custom property editors for GameObjectNode |
CMeshNodeRenderer | Renders a mesh node |
CPlaceableNodeEditor | Custom property editor for placeable node |
CSpriteNodeEditor | Custom property editor for a sprite node |
CSpriteNodeRenderer | Renders a sprite node |
CVisualNodeEditor | Custom property editor for visual nodes |
CVisualNodeRenderer | Renders a visual node |
CThemeEditorToolAttribute | |
CThemeEditorToolFunctionInfo | |
CDungeonNavMeshEditor | |
CGraphNodeEditor | |
CInspectorNotify | |
CInspectorStyles | |
CGridFlowMinimapTrackedObjectInspector | |
CSplatmapPropertyEditor | |
CAssetBuilder | |
CAssetThumbnailCache | Manages the asset thumbnails to display in the visual nodes |
CDebugText3DEditor | |
CDungeonEditorHelper | Utility functions for various editor based features of Dungeon Architect |
CEditorDeltaTime | |
CGraphInspector | Custom property editor for graph objects Shows the graph editor when a theme graph asset is selected |
CInspectorUtils | Utility functions for drawing UI in the Inspector window |
CReflectionUtils | |
CTimer | Ticks every few milli-seconds |
►NFlow | |
►NDomains | |
►NLayout | |
►NPathing | |
CIFlowLayoutNodeCreationConstraint | |
CNullFlowLayoutNodeCreationConstraint | |
CFlowLayoutStaticGrowthState | |
CFlowLayoutGrowthStatePathItem | |
CFlowLayoutGrowthState | |
CFlowLayoutGraphPathUtils | |
CFlowLayoutPathNodeGroup | |
CFlowLayoutNodeGroupGenerator | |
CNullFlowLayoutNodeGroupGenerator | |
CFlowLayoutPathStackFrame | |
CFFlowLayoutPathingSystemResult | |
CFlowPathGrowthSystem | |
CFFlowAgPathingSystem | |
CFlowLayoutPathStackGrowthTask | |
►NTasks | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskCreateKeyLock | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskCreateMainPath | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskCreatePath | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskFinalizeGraph | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskPathBuilderBase | |
CLayoutBaseFlowTaskSpawnItems | |
►NTooling | |
►NGraph2D | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2D | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2DBuilder | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2DUtils | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2DLink | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2DNode | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph2DNodePin | |
►NGraph3D | |
CFlowLayout3DRenderSettings | |
CFlowLayout3DConstants | |
CFlowLayoutToolGraph3D | |
►CSxLayout3DWorldBuilder | |
CBuildSettings | |
►CSxLayoutLinkActor | |
CLinkRenderSettings | |
CSxLayoutNodeActor | |
CSxLayoutItemActor | |
CSxLayoutMergedNodePlaneActor | |
►CSxLayoutMergedNodeActor | |
CRenderSettings | |
►CSxLayoutNodeActorBase | |
CNodeRenderSettings | |
CLayout3DGraphRenderingResource | |
CSxFlowNodeMaterial | |
CSxFlowSubNodeMaterial | |
CSxFlowMergedNodeMaterial | |
CSxFlowMergedNodeMaterialZWrite | |
CSxFlowItemMaterial | |
CSxFlowItemMaterialZWrite | |
CSxFlowLinkMaterial | |
CSxFlowLinkHeadMaterial | |
CSxFlowLinkOneWayHeadMaterial | |
CSxGridMaterial | |
CFlowLayoutCamAlignerBase | |
CFlowLayoutLinkCamAligner | |
CFlowLayoutNodeCamAligner | |
CFlowLayoutGraphUnityVisualizerObject | |
CFlowLayoutGraphUnityVisualizer | |
CFlowLayoutGraph | |
CFFAGConstraintsLink | |
CIFlowLayoutGraphConstraints | |
CNullFlowLayoutGraphConstraints | |
CFlowLayoutGraphLinkState | |
CFlowLayoutGraphLink | |
CFlowLayoutGraphNode | |
CFlowLayoutGraphNodeGroup | |
►CFlowLayoutGraphTraversal | |
CFNodeInfo | |
CFlowLayoutGraphQuery | |
►CFlowLayoutGraphUtils | |
CNodeWeightAssignInfo | |
►NTilemap | |
►NTasks | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskCreateElevations | |
CTilemapFlowNodeOverlayNoiseSettings | |
CITilemapFlowOverlayGenerator | |
CNoiseTilemapFlowOverlayGenerator | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskCreateOverlay | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskFinalize | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskInitialize | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskMerge | |
CTilemapBaseFlowTaskOptimize | |
►NTooling | |
CFlowTilemapToolGraph | |
CFlowTilemapToolBuildContext | |
CFlowTilemapToolGraphBuilder | |
CFlowTilemapToolGraphNode | |
CFlowTilemapCustomCellInfo | |
CFlowTilemapCellOverlay | |
CFlowTilemapCellOverlayMergeConfig | |
CFlowTilemapEdge | |
CFlowTilemapCell | |
CFlowTilemapCellDoorInfo | |
CFlowTilemapCellWallInfo | |
CFlowTilemap | |
CFlowTilemapEdgeDatabase | |
CFlowTilemapCellDatabase | This class gives a 2D grid view for an underlying 1D array Unity serialization requires a 1-dimensional array, hence the need for this class |
CFlowTilemapCellDatabaseEnumerator | |
CFlowTilemapEdgeDatabaseEnumerator | |
CFlowTilemapDistanceFieldCell | |
CFlowTilemapDistanceField | |
CFlowTilemapRenderResources | |
CFlowTilemapRenderer | Renders the tilemap on to a render texture |
CIFlowDomainData | |
CFlowDomainDataRegistry | |
CIFlowDomainExtension | |
CFlowDomainExtensions | |
CIFlowDomain | |
►NExec | |
CFlowExecGraph | |
CFlowExecGraphUtils | |
CFlowExecGraphNodeBase | |
CFlowExecGraphNodePin | |
CFlowExecResultGraphNode | |
CGridFlowGraphNodeExecutionStatus | |
CFlowExecRuleGraphNode | |
CFlowTaskExecContext | |
CFlowTaskExecInput | |
CFlowTaskExecOutput | |
CFlowExecTask | |
CFlowExecNodeInfoAttribute | |
CFlowExecNodeOutputRegistry | |
CFlowExecTaskState | |
CFlowExecTaskResult | |
CFlowExecTaskUtils | |
CFlowExecutionContext | |
CFlowExecutor | |
►NImpl | |
►NGridFlow | |
►NTasks | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskCreateGrid | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskCreateKeyLock | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskCreateMainPath | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskCreatePath | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskFinalizeGraph | |
CGridFlowLayoutTaskSpawnItems | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskCreateElevations | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskCreateOverlay | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskFinalize | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskInitialize | |
CNodeTilemapBounds | |
CCaveCellBuildTile | |
CTilemapFlowNodeInfo | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskMerge | |
CGridFlowTilemapTaskOptimize | |
CGridFlowAsset | |
CGridFlowTilemapDomain | |
CGridFlowLayoutGraphDomain | |
CGridFlowTilemapDomainData | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyNearEdge | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyRandom | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyScript | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyContext | |
CITilemapItemPlacementStrategy | |
CTilemapItemPlacementSettings | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyFactory | |
CTilemapItemPlacementStrategyUtils | |
►NSnapGridFlow | |
►NComponents | |
CSnapGridFlowModule | |
►NConstraints | |
CSGFLayoutNodeConstraintProcessorScript | |
CSGFLayoutNodeConstraintProcessorStartEnd | |
►NTasks | |
CISGFLayoutTaskPathBuilder | |
CSGFLayoutTaskCreateGrid | |
CSGFLayoutTaskCreateKeyLock | |
CSGFLayoutTaskCreateMainPath | |
CSGFLayoutTaskCreatePath | |
CSGFLayoutTaskFinalizeGraph | |
CSGFLayoutTaskSpawnItems | |
CSnapGridFlowEditorUtils | |
CSnapGridFlowAsset | |
CSnapGridFlowModuleBounds | |
CSgfModuleDatabaseConnectionInfo | |
CSgfModuleDatabasePlaceableMarkerInfo | |
CSgfModuleDatabaseItem | |
CSnapGridFlowModuleDatabase | |
CSgfModuleDoor | |
CSgfModuleNode | |
CSgfModuleAssemblySideCell | |
CSgfModuleAssemblySide | |
CSgfModuleAssembly | |
CFsgfModuleAssemblyBuilder | |
CSnapGridFlowLayoutGraph3DDomain | |
CSnapFlowLayoutNodeGroupGenerator | |
CSnapFlowLayoutGraphConstraints | |
CSnapFlowLayoutNodeCreationConstraint | |
CFlowLayoutNodeSnapDomainData | |
CSnapGridFlowDomainExtension | |
CSgfModuleItemFitnessCalculator | |
CSgfLayoutModuleResolverSettings | |
CSgfLayoutModuleResolver | |
►NItems | |
CFlowDoorKeyComponent | |
CFlowDoorLockComponent | |
CFlowItem | |
CFlowGraphItemCustomInfo | |
CFlowItemUtils | |
CFlowItemMetadataComponent | |
CFlowItemMetadata | |
CFlowItemMetadataHandler | |
CFlowItemMetadataResolver | |
CFlowAssetBase | |
►NFrameworks | |
►NSnap | |
CSnapConnectionLockedDoorInfo | |
CSnapConnection | |
CSnapUtils | |
►NGrammar | |
CGrammarNodeType | |
CGrammarProductionRule | |
CGrammarExecGraph | |
CGrammarExecEntryNode | |
CGrammarExecNodeBase | |
CGrammarExecRuleNode | |
CGrammarGraph | |
CIGrammarGraphBuilder | |
CGrammarGraphBuilder | |
CIGrammarGraphBuildScript | |
CGrammarNodeBase | |
CGrammarNodePin | |
CGrammarRuleNode | |
CGrammarTaskNode | |
CGrammarRuntimeGraphNodeData | |
CGrammarRuntimeGraph | |
CGrammarRuntimeGraphUtils | |
CGrammarRuntimeGraphHandlers | |
CExecutionRuntimeGraphNodeData | |
CExecutionRuntimeGraph | |
CExecutionRuntimeGraphHandlers | |
CWeightedGrammarRuntimeGraph | |
CRuntimeGrammarProduction | |
CRuntimeGrammar | |
CGraphGrammarProcessorSettings | |
CGraphGrammarProcessor | |
CGraphPatternMatch | |
CGraphPatternMatcher | |
CSnapFlowAsset | |
CWeightedGrammarGraph | |
►NGraphs | |
►NLayouts | |
►NLayered | |
CLayoutTreeNode | |
CLayoutTree | |
CGraphLayoutLayeredConfig | |
CGraphLayoutLayered | |
►NSpring | |
CGraphLayoutSpringConfig | |
CSpatialGrid | |
CGraphLayoutSpring | |
CIGraphLayout | |
CIGraphLayoutNodeActions | |
CGraphLayoutNode | |
CGraphLayoutBase | |
CDefaultGraphLayoutNodeActions | |
►NSpatialConstraints | |
CSCBaseDomainNode | |
CSCReferenceNode | |
CSCRuleNode | |
CGameObjectArrayNode | |
CGameObjectNode | |
CMarkerEmitterNode | |
CMarkerNode | |
CPlaceableNode | |
CSpriteNode | |
CThemeGraphSchema | |
CVisualNode | |
CCommentNode | |
CIndexCounter | An ID provider for graph objects |
CGraph | Theme Graph data structure holds all the theme nodes and their connections |
CGraphBuilder | |
CNonEditorGraphBuilder | |
CGraphCamera | A camera that manages the graph editor's viewport |
CGraphLink | A graph link is a directional connection between two graph nodes |
CGraphNode | Represents a graph node in the theme graph. This is the base class for all graph nodes |
CGraphPin | A pin is used to connect a link to a node |
CGraphSchema | The graph schema defines the rules of the theme graph |
CGraphUtils | Theme graph utility functions |
►NLandscape | |
CLandscapeDataRasterizer | Manages the landscape data and performs various rasterization algorithms (draw cells, lines etc) |
CLandscapeTexture | Data-structure to hold the texture settings. This contains enough information to paint the texture on to the terrain |
CDLCacheBounds | |
CDungeonLandscapeRestorationCache | Before building a dungeon, we find the bounds of the dungeon and save the heightmap data within that bounds before we modify the landscape This way, the next rebuild of dungeon with another layout would first restore this data (thereby removing the older layout that was baked in the landscape) and apply the new layout on the landscape |
CLandscapeTransformerBase | |
►NLevelStreaming | |
CDungeonItemGroup | |
CDungeonItemGroupInfo | Meta-data added to group game objects. A group contains all the meshes that belong to a room / corridor |
►NMiniMaps | |
CDungeonMiniMap | |
►NNavigation | |
CLayoutFloorTriangleProvider | |
CCityLayoutTriangleProvider | |
CDungeonNavAgent | |
CDungeonNavAgent2D | |
CDungeonNavAgent3D | |
CNavigationEvent | |
CDungeonNavMesh | |
CNavigationBuildInvoker | Drop this script into your dungeon object and assign the nav mesh prefab to automatically rebuild the nav mesh whenever the dungeon is rebuild (works both with runtime and design time) |
CNavigationTriangleProvider | |
CCollision2DTriangleProvider | |
CCollisionTriangleProvider | |
CStaticMeshTriangleProvider | |
CTerrainTriangleProvider | |
►NRoadNetworks | |
CRoadGraphEdge | |
CRoadGraphNode | |
CRoadGraph | |
CRoadGraphBuilderSettings | |
CRoadGraphBuilder | |
CRoadGraphBuildNode | |
CRoadGraphBuilderUtils | |
CRoadLayoutBuilder | |
►NRoomDesigner | |
►NEditors | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerEditor | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerTools | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerToolbar | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerTool_DoorBounds | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerTool_DoorMove | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerTool_RoomBounds | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerTool_RoomMove | |
CDungeonRoomDoorDesigner | |
CDungeonRoomDesigner | |
CCarvingCommand | |
CFloorIsland | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerHook | |
CDungeonRoomMarkerEmitter | |
CDungeonRoomDesignerConstants | |
CDungeonRoomVoxelCell | |
CDungeonRoomVoxel | |
►NRuntimeGraphs | |
CRuntimeGraph | |
CRuntimeGraphNode | |
CRuntimeGraphBuilderHandlers | |
CRuntimeGraphBuilder | |
►NSpatialConstraints | |
►NIsaac | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorIsaac | |
CSpatialConstraintRuleDomain | |
CRuleMetaAttribute | |
CConstraintRuleContext | |
CConstraintRule | |
CSpatialConstraintGraph | |
CSpatialConstraintAsset | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorUtils | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessorContext | |
CSpatialConstraintProcessor | |
►NSplatmap | |
CSplatData | |
CSplatRasterizer | |
CDungeonSplatmapVisualizer | |
CDungeonSplatAsset | |
CDungeonSplatmapTextureInfo | |
CDungeonSplatmap | |
►NSxEngine | |
►NUtils | |
CSxMeshUtils | |
CSxTransform | |
CSxMeshActor | |
CSxTextActor | |
CSxMeshComponent | |
CSxTextComponentSettings | |
CSxTextComponent | |
CSxMeshVertex | |
CSxMeshSection | |
CSxMesh | |
CSxMeshRegistry | |
CSxQuadMesh | |
CSxCamera | |
CSxMaterial | |
CSxUnityMaterial | |
CSxUnityResourceMaterial | |
CSxMaterialRegistry | |
CSxDefaultMaterial | |
CSxRenderContext | |
CSxRenderCommand | |
CSxRenderCommandList | |
CSxRenderer | |
CSxSceneGraph | |
CISxSceneNode | |
CSxSceneNodeBase | |
CSxSceneGraphUtils | |
CSxRootSceneNode | |
CSxActor | |
CSxActorComponent | |
CSxWorld | |
►NThemeing | |
CDungeonThemeData | The data-structure for serializing the theme graph to disk |
CLeftToRightNodeComparer | Sorts the nodes from left to right based on the X-axis. This is used for sorting the visual nodes for execution, since they are executed from left to right |
CDungeonThemeExecutionContext | |
CDungeonThemeEngine | |
CPropChildSocketData | Props can emit new sockets when they are inserted, to add more child props relative to them |
CDungeonThemeItem | The data structure to hold information about a single node in the asset file |
CGameObjectDungeonThemeItem | Game Object node data asset attributes |
CGameObjectArrayDungeonThemeItem | Game Object node data asset attributes |
CSpriteDungeonThemeItem | Sprite node data asset attributes |
►NTriangulator | |
►NGeometry | |
CEdge | Edge made from two point indexes |
CPoint | 2D Point with double precision |
CTriangle | Triangle made from three point indexes |
CDelauney | Performs the Delauney triangulation on a set of vertices |
CDelauneyTriangle | |
CDelauneyV2 | |
►NUI | |
►NImpl | |
►NUnityEditor | |
CUnityEditorUIPlatform | |
CUnityEditorContextMenu | |
CUnityEditorUIDragDrop | |
CUnityEditorUIRenderer | |
CUnityEditorUIStyleManager | |
CUnityEditorUISystem | |
CUnityEditorUIUndoSystem | |
►NWidgets | |
►NGraphEditors | |
CCommentNodeEditor | Custom property editors for MarkerNode |
CCommentNodeRenderer | Renders a comment node |
CGraphContextMenuEvent | The graph context menu event data |
CGraphContextMenu | The context menu shown when the user right clicks on the theme graph editor |
CNullGraphContextMenu | |
CGraphRendererContext | The rendering context for drawing the theme editor |
CGraphEditorStyle | |
CGraphEditor | The graph editor script for managing a graph. This contains the bulk of the logic for graph editing |
CGraphSelectionBox | Manages the selection box for selecting multiple objects in the graph editor |
CKeyboardState | Caches the keyboard state |
CCursorDragLink | Manages a link dragged out of a node with the other end following the mouse cursor |
CNodeZIndexComparer | Sorts based on the node's Z-index |
CNodeReversedZIndexComparer | Sorts based on the node's Z-index in descending order |
CGraphEvent | |
CGraphNodeEventArgs | |
CGraphEventArgs | |
CGraphEditorEvents | |
CGraphEditorUtils | |
CGraphEditorConstants | Graph editor constants |
CGraphOperations | |
CGraphInputHandler | |
CIGraphLinkRenderer | |
CSplineGraphLinkRenderer | Spline based Graph Link renderer |
CStraightLineGraphLinkRenderer | |
CGraphNodeRenderer | Renders the graph node in the graph editor |
CGraphNodeRendererFactory | |
CGraphPinRenderer | Renders a graph pin hosted inside a node |
CGraphTooltip | Graph tooltip singleton |
CGraphTooltipRenderer | Renders a tooltip in the graph editor. The tooltip message is defined in GraphTooltip.message |
CWidgetClickEvent | |
CBorderWidget | |
CButtonWidget | |
CImageWidget | |
CLabelWidget | |
CLinkWidget | |
CListViewSource | |
CIListViewItemWidget | |
CListViewWidget | |
CListViewTextItemWidget | |
CSplitterNode | |
CSplitter | |
CSplitterDragBarWidget | |
CDebugWidget | |
CBreadCrumbWidgetNode | |
CBreadCrumbWidget | |
CGraphPanel | |
CGridPanelNode | |
CGridPanelWidget | |
COverlayPanelNode | |
COverlayPanelWidget | |
CPanelWidget | |
CScrollPanelWidget | |
CStackPanelNode | |
CStackPanelWidget | |
►CSxViewportWidget | |
CFrameTime | |
CIWidget | |
CWidgetBase | |
CNullWidget | |
CWidgetUtils | |
CHighlightWidget | |
►CToolbarWidget | |
CButtonInfo | |
CUIPlatform | |
CIContextMenu | |
CUIDragDrop | |
CNullPlatform | |
CUIRenderer | |
CUIStyleManager | |
CUISystem | |
CUIUndoSystem | |
CIDeferredUICommand | |
CDeferredUICommandBase | |
CEditorCommand_InitializeGraphCameras | |
CEditorCommand_FocusOnGraphNode | |
CEditorCommand_SetBorderContent | |
CEditorCommand_UpdateWidget | |
CGUIState | |
CUIResourceLookup | The resource filename constants used by dungeon architect editor |
►NUtils | |
►NNoise | |
CINoiseTable | |
CINoisePolicy | |
CNoiseTableCell | |
CNoiseTable | |
CGradientNoisePolicy | |
CGradientNoiseTable | |
CBlackboard | A blackboard holds global data that can be shared across multiple scripts |
CBlackboardDatabase | |
CColorUtils | |
CDungeonUID | |
CDebugDrawUtils | Helper functions to draw debug information of the dungeon layout in the scene view |
CDungeonConstants | Contains various project specific constants |
CInstanceCache | Caches instances by their name so they can be reused when needed again instead of recreating it |
CKeyValueDataEntryBase | |
CKeyValueDataEntryTyped | |
CKeyValueDataEntryFloat | |
CKeyValueDataEntryInt | |
CKeyValueDataEntryString | |
CKeyValueDataEntryVector3 | |
CKeyValueDataEntryVector2 | |
CKeyValueData | |
CMathUtils | Various math utility functions |
CMatrix | |
CObjectUtils | |
CPMRandom | A random stream based on normal distribution. Also support uniform distsribution |
CTexturedMaterialInstances | |
CSmoothValue | |
CStackSystem | |
►NVisibility | |
►NImpl | |
CGameObjectVisibilityGraphNode | |
CVisibilityGraph | |
CVisibilityGraphNode | |
CDungeon | The main dungeon behavior that manages the creation and destruction of dungeons |
CDungeonBuilder | Builds the layout of the dungeon and emits markers around the layout Implement this class to create your own builder |
CDungeonConfig | Base dungeon configuration. Create your own implementation of this configuration based on your dungeon builder's needs |
CDungeonEventListener | Listen to various dungeon events during the build and destroy phase |
CDungeonMarkerEmitter | Marker Emitters let you emit your own markers anywhere in the map. Implement this class and add it to the Dungeon object to add your own markers right after the dungeon layout is created |
CDungeonModel | Abstract dungeon model. Create your own implementation of the model depending on your builder's needs |
CDungeonPaintMode | Manage the editor paint mode so you can paint the layout of you dungeon. You should implement your own paint mode depending on your dungeon builder's data structures and requirements |
CDungeonToolData | Tool Data represented by the grid based builder |
CPlaceableMarker | |
CSelectorRule | Selector rule allow you to attach selection behavior to decide if a visual node should be inserted into the scene |
CTransformationRule | Selector rule allow you to attach selection behavior to decide if a visual node should be inserted into the scene |
CBlurFilter | A fast Gaussian blurring filter applied over a 2D data array |
CFilter | A data filter applied over a 2D data array |
CMarkerReplacementEntry | |
CMarkerReplaceVolume | This volume replaces any specified markers found in the scene before theming is applied to it. This helps in having more control over the generated dungeon, e.g. remove / add doors, walls etc |
CMirrorVolume | |
CNegationVolume | Negation volumes remove procedural geometries from the scene that lie with it's bounds |
CThemeOverrideVolume | Dungeon layout that lies within this volumes bounds picks up the theme set in this volume |
CVolume | A volume is an abstract representation of space in the world.
A volume can be scaled and moved around like any other game object and custom functionality can be added to volumes to influence the dungeon with it's spatial volume |
CInfinityDungeon | |
CInfinityDungeonConfig | |
CInfinityDungeonEditorUpdate | |
CMeshMerger | |
CDungeonNavMeshSourceCollector | |
CDungeonRuntimeNavigation | |
CPropSocket | The data structure for a marker |
CIDungeonSceneObjectInstantiator | |
CRuntimeDungeonSceneObjectInstantiator | |
CDungeonNodeSpawnData | |
►CDungeonSceneObjectSpawner | Takes care of spawning the dungeon objects from the input list This allows us to use different strategies to spawn the objects (e.g. synchronous or async spawning over multiple frames) |
CSpawnInfo | |
CSyncDungeonSceneObjectSpawner | Spawn all the objects from the list in the same frame |
►CAsyncDungeonSceneObjectSpawner | Async spawning of dungeon items spread across multiple frames |
CSpawnListSorter | |
CDungeonSceneProvider | A scene provider instantiates game objects into the scene.
Implementations can customize the instantiation process if needed (e.g. object pooling etc) |
CDungeonSceneProviderData | Meta-data added to each spawned game object in the scene. This is used to identify objects that belong to the dungeons, for later destruction and rebuilding |
CDungeonItemSpawnListener | Subclass this on your script and drop it on your dungeon game object to start inserting your own custom data into the spawned dungeon items |
CNonPooledDungeonSceneProvider | |
CPooledDungeonSceneProvider | Implementation of the Scene provider that adds object pooling over the existing functionality. This is useful for quick rebuilding and better performance, as object in the scene are reused while rebuilding, instead of destroying everything and rebuilding |
CDungeonUtils | |
CLevelMarkerList | |
CSpatialPartionedLevelMarkerList | |
CDebugTextItem | |
CDebugText3D | |
CIntVector | Represent an integer vector |
CIntVector2 | Represent an integer vector |
CRectangle | Represents an integer rectangle |
CMetaAttribute | |
CISGFLayoutNodeCategoryConstraint | |
CISGFLayoutNodePositionConstraint | |
►NSharpNav | |
►NCollections | |
►NGeneric | |
CBufferedQueue | Typical LIFO generic queue container that stores data inside of a fixed-size internal buffer (array) |
CBufferedStack | Typical FIFO generic stack container that stores data inside of a fixed-size internal buffer (array) |
CIValueWithCost | An interface that defines a class containing a cost associated with the instance. Used in PriorityQueue<T> |
CPriorityQueue | Use a priority queue (heap) to determine which node is more important |
CProximityGrid | A ProximityGrid<T> is a uniform 2d grid that can efficiently retrieve items near a specified grid cell |
►CBVTree | A tree of bounding volumes |
►CNode | The data stored in a bounding volume node |
CCompareX | An IComparer<T> implementation that only compares two Nodes on the X axis |
CCompareY | An IComparer<T> implementation that only compares two Nodes on the Y axis |
CCompareZ | An IComparer<T> implementation that only compares two Nodes on the Z axis |
►NCrowds | |
CAgent | A crowd agent is a unit that moves across the navigation mesh |
CCrowd | The Crowd class manages pathfinding for multiple agents simulatenously |
CCrowdNeighbor | A neighboring crowd agent |
CAgentParams | Settings for a particular crowd agent |
CAgentAnimation | |
►CLocalBoundary | The LocalBoundary class stores segments and polygon indices for temporary use |
CSegment | A line segment contains two points |
►CObstacleAvoidanceQuery | |
CObstacleAvoidanceParams | |
CPathCorridor | |
CPathQueue | |
►NGeometry | |
CBBox2i | A 2d bounding box represeted by integers |
CBBox3 | A 3d axis-aligned bounding box |
CTriangle3 | A 3d triangle |
CVector2 | Represents a 2D vector using two single-precision floating-point numbers |
CVector2i | A 2d vector represented by integers |
CVector3 | Represents a 3D vector using three single-precision floating-point numbers |
►NPathfinding | |
CLink | A link is formed between two polygons in a TiledNavMesh |
CMeshTile | The MeshTile contains the map data for pathfinding |
CNavPoint | A point in a navigation mesh |
COffMeshConnection | An offmesh connection links two polygons, which are not directly adjacent, but are accessibly through other means (jumping, climbing, etc...) |
►CPathfindingCommon | Store constants, structs, methods in this single class so that other classes can access this information |
CNavMeshInfo | Contains information about a navigation mesh |
CPoly | Uses the PolyMesh polygon data for pathfinding |
CArea | An area groups together pieces of data through the navmesh generation process |
CAreaGenerator | A class that filters geometry and applies an Area to it |
CCell | A cell is a column of voxels represented in Spans |
CCompactCell | Represents a cell in a CompactHeightfield |
CCompactHeightfield | A more memory-compact heightfield that stores open spans of voxels instead of closed ones |
CCompactSpan | Represents a voxel span in a CompactHeightfield |
CCompactSpanReference | A reference to a CompactSpan in a CompactHeightfield |
CContour | A contour is formed from a region |
CContourSet | A set of contours around the regions of a CompactHeightfield, used as the edges of a PolyMesh |
CContourVertex | A ContourVertex is a vertex that stores 3 integer coordinates and a region ID, and is used to build Contours |
CHeightfield | A Heightfield represents a "voxel" grid represented as a 2-dimensional grid of Cells |
CHeightPatch | Stores height data in a grid |
CNavMesh | A TiledNavMesh generated from a collection of triangles and some settings |
CNavMeshBuilder | The NavMeshBuilder class converst PolyMesh and PolyMeshDetail into a different data structure suited for pathfinding. This class will create tiled data |
CNavMeshGenerationSettings | Contains all the settings necessary to convert a mesh to a navmesh |
►CNavMeshQuery | Do pathfinding calculations on the TiledNavMesh |
CSegInterval | |
CNode | Every polygon becomes a Node, which contains a position and cost |
CNodePool | Link all nodes together. Store indices in hash map |
CPolyBounds | A bounding box for vertices in a PolyMesh |
►CPolyMesh | The class of Poly mesh |
CPolygon | Each polygon is a collection of vertices. It is the basic unit of the PolyMesh |
►CPolyMeshDetail | The PolyMeshDetail class is a combination of a PolyMesh and a CompactHeightfield merged together |
CMeshData | The MeshData struct contains information about vertex and triangle base and offset values for array indices |
CTriangleData | The triangle info contains three vertex hashes and a flag |
CPolyVertex | A vertex inside a PolyMesh |
CRegionId | A RegionId is an identifier with flags marking borders |
CRegion | A Region contains a group of adjacent spans |
CSpan | A span is a range of integers which represents a range of voxels in a Cell |
CSpanReference | References a Span within a Heightfield |
►CTiledNavMesh | A TiledNavMesh is a continuous region, which is used for pathfinding |
CTiledNavMeshParams | The settings for the TiledNavMesh |
CTuple | Represents a functional tuple that can be used to store two values of different types inside one object |