Dungeon Architect  17.0.0
SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2 Struct Reference

Represents a 2D vector using two single-precision floating-point numbers. More...

Inheritance diagram for SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2:

Public Member Functions

 Vector2 (float value)
 Constructs a new instance. More...
 Vector2 (float x, float y)
 Constructs a new Vector2. More...
 Vector2 (Vector2 v)
 Constructs a new Vector2 from the given Vector2. More...
 Vector2 (Vector3 v)
 Constructs a new Vector2 from the given Vector3. More...
Vector2 Normalized ()
 Returns a copy of the Vector2 scaled to unit length. More...
void Normalize ()
 Scales the Vector2 to unit length. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a System.String that represents the current Vector2. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Returns the hashcode for this instance. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. More...
bool Equals (Vector2 other)
 Indicates whether the current vector is equal to another vector. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Vector2 Add (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Defines the size of the Vector2 struct in bytes. More...
static void Add (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, out Vector2 result)
 Adds two vectors. More...
static Vector2 Subtract (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Subtract one Vector from another More...
static void Subtract (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, out Vector2 result)
 Subtract one Vector from another More...
static Vector2 Multiply (Vector2 vector, float scale)
 Multiplies a vector by a scalar. More...
static void Multiply (ref Vector2 vector, float scale, out Vector2 result)
 Multiplies a vector by a scalar. More...
static Vector2 Multiply (Vector2 vector, Vector2 scale)
 Multiplies a vector by the components a vector (scale). More...
static void Multiply (ref Vector2 vector, ref Vector2 scale, out Vector2 result)
 Multiplies a vector by the components of a vector (scale). More...
static Vector2 Divide (Vector2 vector, float scale)
 Divides a vector by a scalar. More...
static void Divide (ref Vector2 vector, float scale, out Vector2 result)
 Divides a vector by a scalar. More...
static Vector2 Divide (Vector2 vector, Vector2 scale)
 Divides a vector by the components of a vector (scale). More...
static void Divide (ref Vector2 vector, ref Vector2 scale, out Vector2 result)
 Divide a vector by the components of a vector (scale). More...
static Vector2 ComponentMin (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Calculate the component-wise minimum of two vectors More...
static void ComponentMin (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, out Vector2 result)
 Calculate the component-wise minimum of two vectors More...
static Vector2 ComponentMax (Vector2 a, Vector2 b)
 Calculate the component-wise maximum of two vectors More...
static void ComponentMax (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, out Vector2 result)
 Calculate the component-wise maximum of two vectors More...
static Vector2 Min (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Returns the Vector3 with the minimum magnitude More...
static Vector2 Max (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Returns the Vector3 with the minimum magnitude More...
static Vector2 Clamp (Vector2 vec, Vector2 min, Vector2 max)
 Clamp a vector to the given minimum and maximum vectors More...
static void Clamp (ref Vector2 vec, ref Vector2 min, ref Vector2 max, out Vector2 result)
 Clamp a vector to the given minimum and maximum vectors More...
static Vector2 Normalize (Vector2 vec)
 Scale a vector to unit length More...
static void Normalize (ref Vector2 vec, out Vector2 result)
 Scale a vector to unit length More...
static float Dot (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Calculate the dot (scalar) product of two vectors More...
static void Dot (ref Vector2 left, ref Vector2 right, out float result)
 Calculate the dot (scalar) product of two vectors More...
static float PerpDot (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Calculate the perpendicular dot (scalar) product of two vectors More...
static void PerpDot (ref Vector2 left, ref Vector2 right, out float result)
 Calculate the perpendicular dot (scalar) product of two vectors More...
static Vector2 Lerp (Vector2 a, Vector2 b, float blend)
 Returns a new Vector that is the linear blend of the 2 given Vectors More...
static void Lerp (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, float blend, out Vector2 result)
 Returns a new Vector that is the linear blend of the 2 given Vectors More...
static Vector2 BaryCentric (Vector2 a, Vector2 b, Vector2 c, float u, float v)
 Interpolate 3 Vectors using Barycentric coordinates More...
static void BaryCentric (ref Vector2 a, ref Vector2 b, ref Vector2 c, float u, float v, out Vector2 result)
 Interpolate 3 Vectors using Barycentric coordinates More...
static Vector2 operator+ (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Adds the specified instances. More...
static Vector2 operator- (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Subtracts the specified instances. More...
static Vector2 operator- (Vector2 vec)
 Negates the specified instance. More...
static Vector2 operator* (Vector2 vec, float scale)
 Multiplies the specified instance by a scalar. More...
static Vector2 operator* (float scale, Vector2 vec)
 Multiplies the specified instance by a scalar. More...
static Vector2 operator* (Vector2 vec, Vector2 scale)
 Component-wise multiplication between the specified instance by a scale vector. More...
static Vector2 operator/ (Vector2 vec, float scale)
 Divides the specified instance by a scalar. More...
static bool operator== (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Compares the specified instances for equality. More...
static bool operator!= (Vector2 left, Vector2 right)
 Compares the specified instances for inequality. More...

Public Attributes

float X
 The X component of the Vector2. More...
float Y
 The Y component of the Vector2. More...

Static Public Attributes

static readonly Vector2 UnitX = new Vector2(1, 0)
 Defines a unit-length Vector2 that points towards the X-axis. More...
static readonly Vector2 UnitY = new Vector2(0, 1)
 Defines a unit-length Vector2 that points towards the Y-axis. More...
static readonly Vector2 Zero = new Vector2(0, 0)
 Defines a zero-length Vector2. More...
static readonly Vector2 One = new Vector2(1, 1)
 Defines an instance with all components set to 1. More...


float Length [get]
 Gets the length (magnitude) of the vector. More...
float LengthSquared [get]
 Gets the square of the vector length (magnitude). More...
Vector2 PerpendicularRight [get]
 Gets the perpendicular vector on the right side of this vector. More...
Vector2 PerpendicularLeft [get]
 Gets the perpendicular vector on the left side of this vector. More...
float this[int index] [get, set]
 Gets or sets the value at the index of the Vector. More...
Vector2 Yx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2 with the Y and X components of this instance. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a 2D vector using two single-precision floating-point numbers.

The Vector2 structure is suitable for interoperation with unmanaged code requiring two consecutive floats.

Definition at line 38 of file Vector2.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Vector2() [1/4]

SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Vector2 ( float  value)

Constructs a new instance.

valueThe value that will initialize this instance.

Definition at line 62 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Vector2() [2/4]

SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Vector2 ( float  x,
float  y 

Constructs a new Vector2.

xThe x coordinate of the net Vector2.
yThe y coordinate of the net Vector2.

Definition at line 73 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Vector2() [3/4]

SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Vector2 ( Vector2  v)

Constructs a new Vector2 from the given Vector2.

vThe Vector2 to copy components from.

Definition at line 84 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Vector2() [4/4]

SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Vector2 ( Vector3  v)

Constructs a new Vector2 from the given Vector3.

vThe Vector3 to copy components from. Z is discarded.

Definition at line 95 of file Vector2.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Add ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
out Vector2  result 

Adds two vectors.

aLeft operand.
bRight operand.
resultResult of operation.

Definition at line 269 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Add() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Add ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b 

Defines the size of the Vector2 struct in bytes.

Adds two vectors.

aLeft operand.
bRight operand.
Result of operation.

Definition at line 257 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ BaryCentric() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.BaryCentric ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
ref Vector2  c,
float  u,
float  v,
out Vector2  result 

Interpolate 3 Vectors using Barycentric coordinates

aFirst input Vector.
bSecond input Vector.
cThird input Vector.
uFirst Barycentric Coordinate.
vSecond Barycentric Coordinate.
resultOutput Vector. a when u=v=0, b when u=1,v=0, c when u=0,v=1, and a linear combination of a,b,c otherwise

Definition at line 657 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ BaryCentric() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.BaryCentric ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b,
Vector2  c,
float  u,
float  v 

Interpolate 3 Vectors using Barycentric coordinates

aFirst input Vector
bSecond input Vector
cThird input Vector
uFirst Barycentric Coordinate
vSecond Barycentric Coordinate
a when u=v=0, b when u=1,v=0, c when u=0,v=1, and a linear combination of a,b,c otherwise

Definition at line 645 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Clamp() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Clamp ( ref Vector2  vec,
ref Vector2  min,
ref Vector2  max,
out Vector2  result 

Clamp a vector to the given minimum and maximum vectors

vecInput vector
minMinimum vector
maxMaximum vector
resultThe clamped vector

Definition at line 514 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Clamp() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Clamp ( Vector2  vec,
Vector2  min,
Vector2  max 

Clamp a vector to the given minimum and maximum vectors

vecInput vector
minMinimum vector
maxMaximum vector
The clamped vector

Definition at line 500 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ ComponentMax() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.ComponentMax ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
out Vector2  result 

Calculate the component-wise maximum of two vectors

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
resultThe component-wise maximum

Definition at line 453 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ ComponentMax() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.ComponentMax ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b 

Calculate the component-wise maximum of two vectors

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
The component-wise maximum

Definition at line 440 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ ComponentMin() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.ComponentMin ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
out Vector2  result 

Calculate the component-wise minimum of two vectors

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
resultThe component-wise minimum

Definition at line 424 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ ComponentMin() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.ComponentMin ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b 

Calculate the component-wise minimum of two vectors

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
The component-wise minimum

Definition at line 411 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Divide() [1/4]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Divide ( ref Vector2  vector,
float  scale,
out Vector2  result 

Divides a vector by a scalar.

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
resultResult of the operation.

Definition at line 373 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Divide() [2/4]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Divide ( ref Vector2  vector,
ref Vector2  scale,
out Vector2  result 

Divide a vector by the components of a vector (scale).

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
resultResult of the operation.

Definition at line 396 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Divide() [3/4]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Divide ( Vector2  vector,
float  scale 

Divides a vector by a scalar.

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
Result of the operation.

Definition at line 361 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Divide() [4/4]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Divide ( Vector2  vector,
Vector2  scale 

Divides a vector by the components of a vector (scale).

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
Result of the operation.

Definition at line 384 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Dot() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Dot ( ref Vector2  left,
ref Vector2  right,
out float  result 

Calculate the dot (scalar) product of two vectors

leftFirst operand
rightSecond operand
resultThe dot product of the two inputs

Definition at line 570 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Dot() [2/2]

static float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Dot ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Calculate the dot (scalar) product of two vectors

leftFirst operand
rightSecond operand
The dot product of the two inputs

Definition at line 559 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Equals ( object  obj)

Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.

objThe object to compare to.
True if the instances are equal; false otherwise.

Definition at line 848 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Equals ( Vector2  other)

Indicates whether the current vector is equal to another vector.

otherA vector to compare with this vector.
true if the current vector is equal to the vector parameter; otherwise, false.

Definition at line 867 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.GetHashCode ( )

Returns the hashcode for this instance.

A System.Int32 containing the unique hashcode for this instance.

Definition at line 834 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Lerp() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Lerp ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
float  blend,
out Vector2  result 

Returns a new Vector that is the linear blend of the 2 given Vectors

aFirst input vector
bSecond input vector
blendThe blend factor. a when blend=0, b when blend=1.
resulta when blend=0, b when blend=1, and a linear combination otherwise

Definition at line 626 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Lerp() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Lerp ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b,
float  blend 

Returns a new Vector that is the linear blend of the 2 given Vectors

aFirst input vector
bSecond input vector
blendThe blend factor. a when blend=0, b when blend=1.
a when blend=0, b when blend=1, and a linear combination otherwise

Definition at line 612 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Max()

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Max ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Returns the Vector3 with the minimum magnitude

leftLeft operand
rightRight operand
The minimum Vector3

Definition at line 484 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Min()

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Min ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Returns the Vector3 with the minimum magnitude

leftLeft operand
rightRight operand
The minimum Vector3

Definition at line 469 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Multiply() [1/4]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Multiply ( ref Vector2  vector,
float  scale,
out Vector2  result 

Multiplies a vector by a scalar.

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
resultResult of the operation.

Definition at line 323 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Multiply() [2/4]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Multiply ( ref Vector2  vector,
ref Vector2  scale,
out Vector2  result 

Multiplies a vector by the components of a vector (scale).

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
resultResult of the operation.

Definition at line 346 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Multiply() [3/4]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Multiply ( Vector2  vector,
float  scale 

Multiplies a vector by a scalar.

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
Result of the operation.

Definition at line 311 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Multiply() [4/4]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Multiply ( Vector2  vector,
Vector2  scale 

Multiplies a vector by the components a vector (scale).

vectorLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
Result of the operation.

Definition at line 334 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Normalize() [1/3]

void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Normalize ( )

Scales the Vector2 to unit length.

Definition at line 207 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Normalize() [2/3]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Normalize ( ref Vector2  vec,
out Vector2  result 

Scale a vector to unit length

vecThe input vector
resultThe normalized vector

Definition at line 542 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Normalize() [3/3]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Normalize ( Vector2  vec)

Scale a vector to unit length

vecThe input vector
The normalized vector

Definition at line 529 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Normalized()

Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Normalized ( )

Returns a copy of the Vector2 scaled to unit length.


Definition at line 196 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator!=()

static bool SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator!= ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Compares the specified instances for inequality.

leftLeft operand.
rightRight operand.
True if both instances are not equal; false otherwise.

Definition at line 806 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator*() [1/3]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator* ( float  scale,
Vector2  vec 

Multiplies the specified instance by a scalar.

scaleLeft operand.
vecRight operand.
Result of multiplication.

Definition at line 755 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator*() [2/3]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator* ( Vector2  vec,
float  scale 

Multiplies the specified instance by a scalar.

vecLeft operand.
scaleRight operand.
Result of multiplication.

Definition at line 742 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator*() [3/3]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator* ( Vector2  vec,
Vector2  scale 

Component-wise multiplication between the specified instance by a scale vector.

scaleLeft operand.
vecRight operand.
Result of multiplication.

Definition at line 768 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator+()

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator+ ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Adds the specified instances.

leftLeft operand.
rightRight operand.
Result of addition.

Definition at line 704 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator- ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Subtracts the specified instances.

leftLeft operand.
rightRight operand.
Result of subtraction.

Definition at line 717 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator- ( Vector2  vec)

Negates the specified instance.

Result of negation.

Definition at line 729 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator/()

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator/ ( Vector2  vec,
float  scale 

Divides the specified instance by a scalar.

vecLeft operand
scaleRight operand
Result of the division.

Definition at line 781 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ operator==()

static bool SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.operator== ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Compares the specified instances for equality.

leftLeft operand.
rightRight operand.
True if both instances are equal; false otherwise.

Definition at line 795 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ PerpDot() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.PerpDot ( ref Vector2  left,
ref Vector2  right,
out float  result 

Calculate the perpendicular dot (scalar) product of two vectors

leftFirst operand
rightSecond operand
resultThe perpendicular dot product of the two inputs

Definition at line 596 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ PerpDot() [2/2]

static float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.PerpDot ( Vector2  left,
Vector2  right 

Calculate the perpendicular dot (scalar) product of two vectors

leftFirst operand
rightSecond operand
The perpendicular dot product of the two inputs

Definition at line 585 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Subtract() [1/2]

static void SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Subtract ( ref Vector2  a,
ref Vector2  b,
out Vector2  result 

Subtract one Vector from another

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
resultResult of subtraction

Definition at line 296 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Subtract() [2/2]

static Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Subtract ( Vector2  a,
Vector2  b 

Subtract one Vector from another

aFirst operand
bSecond operand
Result of subtraction

Definition at line 284 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ ToString()

override string SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.ToString ( )

Returns a System.String that represents the current Vector2.


Definition at line 821 of file Vector2.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ One

readonly Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.One = new Vector2(1, 1)

Defines an instance with all components set to 1.

Definition at line 240 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ UnitX

readonly Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.UnitX = new Vector2(1, 0)

Defines a unit-length Vector2 that points towards the X-axis.

Definition at line 225 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ UnitY

readonly Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.UnitY = new Vector2(0, 1)

Defines a unit-length Vector2 that points towards the Y-axis.

Definition at line 230 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ X

float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.X

The X component of the Vector2.

Definition at line 47 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Y

float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Y

The Y component of the Vector2.

Definition at line 52 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Zero

readonly Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Zero = new Vector2(0, 0)

Defines a zero-length Vector2.

Definition at line 235 of file Vector2.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ Length

float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Length

Gets the length (magnitude) of the vector.


Definition at line 113 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ LengthSquared

float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.LengthSquared

Gets the square of the vector length (magnitude).

This property avoids the costly square root operation required by the Length property. This makes it more suitable for comparisons.


Definition at line 133 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ PerpendicularLeft

Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.PerpendicularLeft

Gets the perpendicular vector on the left side of this vector.

Definition at line 163 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ PerpendicularRight

Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.PerpendicularRight

Gets the perpendicular vector on the right side of this vector.

Definition at line 148 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ this[int index]

float SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.this[int index]

Gets or sets the value at the index of the Vector.

Definition at line 176 of file Vector2.cs.

◆ Yx

Vector2 SharpNav.Geometry.Vector2.Yx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2 with the Y and X components of this instance.

Definition at line 681 of file Vector2.cs.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: