Dungeon Architect  17.0.0
DungeonArchitect.Editors Namespace Reference


class  FloorPlanCorridorToolEditor
class  DungeonPaintModeGridEditor
 Custom property editor for the Paint model game object More...
class  GridDungeonConfigEditor
 Custom property editor for the grid based dungeon configuration More...
class  SnapConnectionEditor
class  SnapModuleEditor
class  SnapPaintToolEditor
class  DungeonArchitectMenu
class  DungeonBuilderEditor
class  DungeonInfinityEditor
class  DungeonInfinityEditorUpdater
class  DungeonPaintModeEditor
 Custom property editor for the paint mode object More...
class  DungeonPropertyEditorHook
class  DungeonPropertyEditor
 Custom property editor for the dungeon game object More...
class  EditorDungeonSceneObjectInstantiator
class  LandscapeTextureEditor
 Custom property editor for the Landscape texture data-structure More...
class  PlaceableMarkerEditor
class  MarkerReplaceVolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for Negation volumes More...
class  MirrorVolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for Platform volumes More...
class  NegationVolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for Negation volumes More...
class  PlatformVolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for Platform volumes More...
class  ThemeOverrideVolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for Theme override volumes More...
class  VolumeEditor
 Custom property editor for volumes game objects More...
class  DungeonThemeEditorContextMenu
class  DungeonThemeEditorWindow
 The main editor window for the Theme graph editor. This hosts the graph editor for managing the theme graph More...
class  DungeonThemeGraphEditor
class  DungeonObjectTraker
 Tracks active dungeon objects in the scene and finds ones that have the active graph being edited This is used for real-time updates on the dungeon object as the graph is modified from the editor More...
class  NodeDeletionOrderComparer
 Sorts based on the node's Z-index in descending order More...
class  GraphPinHierarchyComparer
 Sorts the pins based on their owning node's type More...
class  MarkerEmitterNodeEditor
 Custom property editors for MarkerEmitterNode More...
class  MarkerEmitterNodeRenderer
 Renders a MarkerEmitterNode More...
class  MarkerNodeEditor
 Custom property editors for MarkerNode More...
class  MarkerNodeRenderer
 Renders a marker node More...
class  MeshArrayNodeEditor
 Custom property editors for GameObjectNode More...
class  MeshArrayNodeRenderer
 Renders a mesh node More...
class  MeshNodeEditor
 Custom property editors for GameObjectNode More...
class  MeshNodeRenderer
 Renders a mesh node More...
class  PlaceableNodeEditor
 Custom property editor for placeable node More...
class  SpriteNodeEditor
 Custom property editor for a sprite node More...
class  SpriteNodeRenderer
 Renders a sprite node More...
class  VisualNodeEditor
 Custom property editor for visual nodes More...
class  VisualNodeRenderer
 Renders a visual node More...
class  ThemeEditorToolAttribute
class  ThemeEditorToolFunctionInfo
class  DungeonNavMeshEditor
class  GraphNodeEditor
class  InspectorNotify
class  InspectorStyles
class  GridFlowMinimapTrackedObjectInspector
class  SplatmapPropertyEditor
class  AssetBuilder
class  AssetThumbnailCache
 Manages the asset thumbnails to display in the visual nodes More...
class  DebugText3DEditor
class  DungeonEditorHelper
 Utility functions for various editor based features of Dungeon Architect More...
class  EditorDeltaTime
class  GraphInspector
 Custom property editor for graph objects Shows the graph editor when a theme graph asset is selected More...
class  InspectorUtils
 Utility functions for drawing UI in the Inspector window More...
class  ReflectionUtils
class  Timer
 Ticks every few milli-seconds More...


enum class  ThemeEditorMenuAction {
  AddGameObjectNode , AddGameObjectArrayNode , AddSpriteNode , AddMarkerNode ,
  AddMarkerEmitterNode , AddCommentNode
 The type of menu action to perform More...


delegate void ThemeEditorToolFunctionDelegate (DungeonThemeEditorWindow editor)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ThemeEditorMenuAction

The type of menu action to perform

Definition at line 13 of file DungeonThemeEditorContextMenu.cs.