Dungeon Architect comes with sample content to quickly get you started. It contain free modular assets (Candy) and pre-designed theme files for some of the famous modular assets in the asset store
Sample content using free assets: Already included in DA package under DungeonArchitect_Samples folder
Sample content using other paid assets in the Asset Store: DOWNLOAD
Dungeon Architect ships with a set of free modular assets to help you get started.
Level generated using the Candy Theme
Explore the contents under DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_Candy/
The theme file used to generate the level is located here:
Free Candy Theme
This scene has a dungeon actor setup with the Candy theme.
Select the DungeonGrid actor and click “Build Dungeon” button. Change the Seed variable in the configuration to get a different layout
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_Candy/Scenes/DemoScene
This demo shows how you can build a new layout at runtime. Play the scene and use the following controls
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Demo_Theme_Candy/Scenes/*
This demo showcases an outdoor scene using free assets by Kenny
The art is licensed under CC0 so it can be used with your commercial games
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Demo_Theme_OutdoorCliffs/Scenes/Demo_OutdoorCliffs
Cliff Theme
An alternate version of the theme Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Demo_Theme_OutdoorCliffs/Scenes/Demo_OutdoorCliffs_Alternate
Cliff Theme
This example shows how you can build your own layout algorithms and swap the existing one out. A simple city layout is made in a grid based pattern and various theme files are used to decorate it
Explore the contents under DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_SimpleCity/
The Sample Builder code resides under DungeonArchitect/Scripts/Builder/SimpleCity
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_SimpleCity/Scenes/SimpleCityRealtimeScene
Simple City Theme 1
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_SimpleCity/Scenes/SimpleCityScene
Simple City Theme 2
A marker emitter is attached to the builder to extend it by emitting wall markers around the city bounds. This lets the theme files deocrate the level as a medieval stronghold
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_SimpleCity/Scenes/StrongholdBasic
Stronghold Theme 1
An alternative version of the above theme
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/DemoBuilder_SimpleCity/Scenes/StrongholdMedieval
The art assets is licensed under CC0 and can be used with commercial games
Stronghold Theme 2
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Tower Defense and MOBA asset pack
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Moba/Scenes/Demo_MOBA_DA_Summer
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
Theme File Fragment
The assets come with winter textures as well (however it doesn’t come with winter materials and an easy way to switch between the two). With DA you can do that easily
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Moba/Scenes/Demo_MOBA_DA_Winter
After the scene is generated, a dungeon listener script automatically fires that replaces the summer materials with winter ones. This script is reusable on your other projects
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Winter Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Winter Scene (Content Not included)
A theme created using 3DForge’s awesome Village Interior Kit asset pack
Village Interior Kit Theme (Content Not included)
Village Interior Kit Theme (Content Not included)
Village Interior Kit Theme (Content Not included)
A theme created using 3DForge’s awesome Village Exterior Kit asset pack and placed on a terrain generated using Adam’s beautiful Gaia terrain generator
A village theme created using the default grid builder. The theme file places random houses near the layout of the dungeon, making it look like a small village
Scene Location DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_3DF_VillageExterior_Gaia/Scenes/SmallVillage
Village theme (Content Not included)
Village theme (Content Not included)
Village theme (Content Not included)
A grid dungeon with a house placed inside each room of the dungoen. This makes the indivial houses connected with pathways
Scene Location DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_3DF_VillageExterior_Gaia/Scenes/FarmHouse
Farmhouse theme (Content Not included)
Farmhouse theme (Content Not included)
This demo uses the city dungeon builder and a village with walls
Scene Location DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_3DF_VillageExterior_Gaia/Scenes/StrongholdVillage
Stronghold theme (Content Not included)
Stronghold theme (Content Not included)
Stronghold theme (Content Not included)
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Top-Down Interiors asset pack
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/01_PalaceWood
Wooden Theme (Content Not included)
Wooden Theme (Content Not included)
Theme File
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/02_PalaceStone
Stone Theme (Content Not included)
Theme File
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/03_StoneWood_Mixed
This sample shows how you can mix two different themes using a Theme Override Volume
Multiple Themes (Content Not included)
A theme created using 3DForge’s excellent TaD Sewer Kit asset pack
TaD Sewer Scene (Content Not included)
TaD Sewer Scene (Content Not included)
Theme File
A theme created using Mana Stations’s excellent Multistory Dungeons asset pack
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Theme file
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Top-Down Dungeons Mobile asset pack
ManufacturaK4’s Top-Down Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Top-Down Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Theme file
This sample demos the new Isaac builder that creates levels like the ones found in Binding of Isaac
The awesome art from Daniel was used for the 2D sprites: 2D Hand Painted - Dungeon Tileset
Scene File: DemoIsaac
Isaac Builder (Content Not included)
Isaac Builder (Content Not included)
There is also a theme for the grid builder
Scene File: DemoGrid
Isaac Builder (Content Not included)
Isaac Builder (Content Not included)
Another example of a theme generated using simple basic shapes
Explore the contents under DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_SimpleShapes/
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_SimpleShapes/Scenes/BasicShapesDemo
Simple Shapes Scene
Theme File