Dungeon Architect comes with sample content to quickly get you started. It contain free modular assets (Candy) and pre-designed theme files for some of the famous modular assets in the asset store
Dungeon Architect ships with a set of free modular assets to help you get started.
Level generated using the Candy Theme
Explore the contents under DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_Candy/
The theme file used to generate the level is located here:
Free Candy Theme
This scene has a dungeon actor setup with the Candy theme.
Select the DungeonGrid actor and click “Build Dungeon” button. Change the Seed variable in the configuration to get a different layout
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_Candy/Scenes/DemoScene
This demo shows how you can build a new layout at runtime. Play the scene and use the following controls
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_Candy/Scenes/RuntimeGeneration
Another example of a theme generated using simple basic shapes
Explore the contents under DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_SimpleShapes/
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples/Theme_SimpleShapes/Scenes/BasicShapesDemo
Simple Shapes Scene
Theme File
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Tower Defense and MOBA asset pack I’ve designed a few themes around some paid art assets in the asset store.
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Moba Scene (Content Not included)
Theme File Fragment
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Top-Down Interiors asset pack
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/01_PalaceWood
Wooden Theme (Content Not included)
Wooden Theme (Content Not included)
Theme File
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/02_PalaceStone
Stone Theme (Content Not included)
Theme File
Scene Location: DungeonArchitect_Samples_Thridparty/Demos/Theme_K4_Interiors/Scenes/03_StoneWood_Mixed
This sample shows how you can mix two different themes using a Theme Override Volume
Multiple Themes (Content Not included)
A theme created using 3DForge’s excellent TaD Sewer Kit asset pack
TaD Sewer Scene (Content Not included)
TaD Sewer Scene (Content Not included)
Theme File
A theme created using Mana Stations’s excellent Multistory Dungeons asset pack
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Mana Station’s MultiStory Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Theme file
A theme created using ManufacturaK4’s excellent Top-Down Dungeons Mobile asset pack
ManufacturaK4’s Top-Down Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
ManufacturaK4’s Top-Down Dungeons Scene (Content Not included)
Theme file