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Dungeon Architect
This is the complete list of members for SharpNav.NavMeshQuery, including all inherited members.
AppendPortals(int startIdx, int endIdx, Vector3 endPos, int[] path, Vector3[] straightPath, int[] straightPathFlags, int[] straightPathRefs, ref int straightPathCount, int maxStraightPath, PathBuildFlags options) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
AppendVertex(Vector3 pos, int flags, int reference, Vector3[] straightPath, int[] straightPathFlags, int[] straightPathRefs, ref int straightPathCount, int maxStraightPath) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
ClosestPointOnPoly(int reference, Vector3 pos, ref Vector3 closest) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
ClosestPointOnPoly(int reference, Vector3 pos, out Vector3 closest, out bool posOverPoly) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
ClosestPointOnPolyBoundary(int reference, Vector3 pos, ref Vector3 closest) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FinalizedSlicedPathPartial(int[] existing, int existingSize, int[] path, ref int pathCount, int maxPath) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FinalizeSlicedFindPath(int[] path, ref int pathCount, int maxPath) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindLocalNeighbourhood(NavPoint centerPoint, float radius, int[] resultRef, int[] resultParent, ref int resultCount, int maxResult) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindNearestPoly(Vector3 center, Vector3 extents) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindNearestPoly(ref Vector3 center, ref Vector3 extents, out NavPoint nearestPt) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindPath(ref NavPoint startPt, ref NavPoint endPt, List< int > path) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPoint() | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPoint(out NavPoint randomPoint) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPointAroundCircle(NavPoint center, float radius) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPointAroundCircle(NavPoint center, float radius, out NavPoint randomPoint) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPointOnPoly(MeshTile tile, Poly poly, int polyRef) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindRandomPointOnPoly(MeshTile tile, Poly poly, int polyRef, out Vector3 randomPt) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
FindStraightPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 endPos, int[] path, int pathSize, Vector3[] straightPath, int[] straightPathFlags, int[] straightPathRefs, ref int straightPathCount, int maxStraightPath, PathBuildFlags options) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetCost(Vector3 pa, Vector3 pb, Poly curPoly) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetEdgeMidPoint(int from, Poly fromPoly, MeshTile fromTile, int to, Poly toPoly, MeshTile toTile, ref Vector3 mid) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetPolyHeight(int reference, Vector3 pos, ref float height) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetPolyWallSegments(int reference, Crowds.LocalBoundary.Segment[] segmentVerts, int[] segmentRefs, ref int segmentCount, int maxSegments) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetPortalPoints(int from, int to, ref Vector3 left, ref Vector3 right, ref PolygonType fromType, ref PolygonType toType) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
GetPortalPoints(int from, Poly fromPoly, MeshTile fromTile, int to, Poly toPoly, MeshTile toTile, ref Vector3 left, ref Vector3 right) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
InitSlicedFindPath(NavPoint startPoint, NavPoint endPoint) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
InsertInterval(SegInterval[] ints, ref int nints, int maxInts, int tmin, int tmax, int reference) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
IsInClosedList(Node node) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
IsInOpenList(Node node) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
IsValidPolyRef(int reference) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
MoveAlongSurface(NavPoint startPoint, Vector3 endPos, ref Vector3 resultPos, List< int > visited) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
NavMesh (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
NavMeshQuery(TiledNavMesh nav, int maxNodes) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
NavMeshQuery(TiledNavMesh nav, int maxNodes, Random rand) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
QueryPolygons(ref Vector3 center, ref Vector3 extent, List< int > polys) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
Raycast(NavPoint startPoint, Vector3 endPos, ref float t, ref Vector3 hitNormal, int[] path, ref int pathCount, int maxPath) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
RemoveNodeFlagClosed(Node node) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
SetNodeFlagClosed(ref Node node) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
SetNodeFlagOpen(ref Node node) (defined in SharpNav.NavMeshQuery) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery | |
UpdateSlicedFindPath(int maxIter, ref int doneIters) | SharpNav.NavMeshQuery |